Tuesday, 22 October 2024   

ABOUT THIS SITEThe so-called "Muslim Brotherhood" (al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen) is an organization that was set up in Egypt in 1928 and modeled upon a prior organization set up by the suspect figure Jamal ul-Din al-Afghani. Its founder, Hasan al-Banna was an Ash'ari and Hasawi Sufi. Its two most influential figureheads are Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb and they each laid down the foundations for the two major strains of Ikhwani thought and methodology. Hasan al-Banna brought the alleged "golden principle" of accomodating all of the deviant sects in order to amass as large a number as possible (to be used to help achieve the political goals and aspirations of the leaders of this group). This included making inroads, allegiances and friendships with the Iranian Rafidah. Sayyid Qutb (website) brought the elements of Takfir (of all contemporary Muslim societies) and the necessity of revolution (against them) through which rulers are targeted and replaced. Both these methodologies work hand in hand and are two sides of the same coin. As a result, the Muslim Brotherhood has been a useful tool for creating chaos and corruption both in religious and worldly affairs and served as a useful proxy to help achieve geo-political agendas.

The Sab'iyyah, Raafidah and Khaarijiyyah: Historical and Contemporary Interplay Between Rafd and Khaarijiyyah
Abdullah bin Saba' led the revolution against Uthmaan and the scholars mention that Naafi' bin Azraq (head of the extreme Kharijite sect, the Azaariqah) also participated in this revolution. Between them, the Raafidah and the Khaarijites led the revolt against the ruling authorities and their legacy ... Read more »

The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 5 - Sayyid Qutb, Grandfather of 20th Century Takfiri and Terrorist Ideology
The Bāṭinī Movements, Secret Orders, Freemasonry, al-Ikhwān, al-Qāidah and ISIS: Part 5 - Ashʿarī, Bāṭinī, Rāfiḍī Freemason: Sayyid Quṭb, Grandfather of 20th Century Takfīrī and Terrorist Ideology Though Ḥasan ... Read more »

The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 4 - Hasan Al-Banna, The Sufi, Ash'ari Takfiri Terrorist
The Bāṭinī Movements, Secret Orders, Freemasonry, al-Ikhwān, al-Qāidah and ISIS: Part 4 - The Sūfī, Ashʿarī, Takfiri Terrorist, Ḥasan al-Bannā and His Masonic Muslim Brotherhood . Ḥasan al-Bannā is the chief of tribulations in the ... Read more »

The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 3 - the Activities of Jamaal Al-Deen Al-Iraanee
The Bāṭinī Movements, Secret Orders, Freemasonry, al-Ikhwān, al-Qāidah and ISIS: Part 3 - The Activities of Jamāl al-Dīn in the Muslim Lands. It is not possible to put the Muslim Brotherhood, Ḥasan al-Bannā, Sayyid Quṭb, the groups of Takfīr ... Read more »

The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 2 - the Subversive Baatinee Movements
The Bāṭinī Movements, Secret Orders, Freemasonry, al-Ikhwān, al-Qāidah and ISIS: Part 2 - The Bāṭiniyyah, Their Ideologies, Subversive Movements and Revolutions In this installment we will look at the various Bāṭinī movements in Islāmic ... Read more »

The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 1 - There Is No Secrecy or Secret Organization in Islaam
The Bāṭinī Movements, Secret Orders, Freemasonry, al-Ikhwān, al-Qāidah and ISIS: Part 1 - There Is No Secrecy or Secret Organization in Islām It is not possible for a person who wishes to make sense of whatever is taking place of tribulations, upheavals and corruption ... Read more »

Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 4
In the Shaykh's fataawaa compilation (مجموع فتاوى ومقالات متنوعة), there is a critique of Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Khaliq on numerous issues of manhaj. Here is one of ... Read more »

Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 3
In the Shaykh's fataawaa compilation (مجموع فتاوى ومقالات متنوعة), there is a critique of Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Khaliq on numerous issues of manhaj. Here is one of ... Read more »

Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 2
In the Shaykh's fataawaa compilation (مجموع فتاوى ومقالات متنوعة), there is a critique of Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Khaliq on numerous issues of manhaj. Here is one of ... Read more »

Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 1
In the Shaykh's fataawaa compilation (مجموع فتاوى ومقالات متنوعة), there is a critique of Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Khaliq on numerous issues of manhaj. Here is one of ... Read more »

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan Clarifies His Position Towards the Muslim Brotherhood
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan clarifies his firm position against al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen: This is the text of the clarification: الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة ... Read more »

The Rulings of the Major Scholars of the Sunnah and Salafiyyah on Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen (Muslim Brotherhood)
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Al-Fawzan, Al-Luhaydan, Aal Al-Shaykh: The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) Are From the 72 Sects, Use Secrecy and Aim Only to Seek Power
The Muslim Brotherhood is an umbrella organization which aims to accommodate all the various astray sects in Islam in order to mobilize them into revolutions (or entry into democracy) so as to attain power for themselves. The Islam they envisage is not the Islam of the Book and the Sunnah but ... Read more »

Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan Refutes Abd Al-Azeez Al-Fawzaan in His Claim of Permissibility of Demonstrations
There is to be found a network of individuals who are poisoned with the fikr of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and they are taken as Shaykhs and promoted as being students of the major Scholars. We warn the Muslims from these types of individuals no matter how lofty and glowing their credentials appear ... Read more »

The Iranian Rafidah (Nawab Safawi, Khomeini and Khamenei), the Books of Sayyid Qutb, Mohammad Qutb, Abu A'la Mawdudi and the Qutbiyyah Khaarijiyyah of the Gulf
Shi'ite Analyst on the Role of the Books and Ideologies of Sayyid Qutb in Shi'ite Islamism Mehdi Khalaji is a Shi'ite political analyst, he was raised and trained in Shi'ite theology in Qom, the traditional center of Iran's clerical establishment. He wrote an article titled "The ... Read more »


Latest Articles
The Sab'iyyah, Raafidah and Khaarijiyyah: Historical and Contemporary Interplay Between Rafd and Khaarijiyyah
The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 5 - Sayyid Qutb, Grandfather of 20th Century Takfiri and Terrorist Ideology
The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 4 - Hasan Al-Banna, The Sufi, Ash'ari Takfiri Terrorist
The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 3 - the Activities of Jamaal Al-Deen Al-Iraanee
The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 2 - the Subversive Baatinee Movements
The Baatinee Movements, Secret Organizations, Al-Ikhwaan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS: Part 1 - There Is No Secrecy or Secret Organization in Islaam
Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 4
Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 3
Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 2
Imaam Abd Al-Azeez Bin Baz's Refutation of Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Khaliq (Takfiri, Qutbi, Turathi): Part 1

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