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Kamal Helbawy: Leading Member of Al-Ikhwan Meeting With Al-Khamenei, Praising Al-Khomenei and Revealing Ideological Figureheads of Rafd and Khaarijiyyah
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Topics: Kamal Helbawy Ayatollah Khamenei

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Kamal Helbawy in Iran with Ayatollah Khamenei, Praising Khomeini and Mentioning Qutb, Mawdudi and Banna

The Ikhwan are a Trojan Horse in Egypt for the Iranian Safawi Shi'ah and this much is gleaned by the statement of Nawab Safawi (an extremist Shi'ite executed in 1956 hosted by Sayyid Qutb and the Ikhwan in Egypt in 1953), who said [see this article], (من أراد أن يكون جعفرياً حقيقياً فلينضم إلى صفوف الإخوان المسلمين), "Whoever wishes to be true Ja'fari (Shi'ah), then let him join the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood" as occurs in Mawqif Ulamaa al-Muslimeen Min al-Shi'a of Izz al-Deen Ibraaheem (p. 15). The significance of this statement will be realized when you survey scores and scores of prominent Muslim Brotherhood figures and look at their doctrine of taqreeb (nearness, closeness) - a doctrine that the Shi'ah of Iran also propound and use for their politics and fulfilment of end-time "mahdi" eschatology.

In the audio below (mp3) is a clip from a speech given by Kamal Helbawy on a visit to Iran where he was hosted by Ayatollah Khamenei.

Within this clip is the following:

And the Islamic Republic in Iran, by the bounty of Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, and then by the bounty of its leadership, Imaam al-Khomeini - (here Helbawy asks for Allaah's mercy upon him) and the sayyid, the leader, al-Khamenei - (here Helbawy asks for Allaah's protection of him) - and they are examples of standing against the Western powers and examples in front of the Islamic Ummah ... [unclear] ... and I will mention some of the features which [ambiguous word] have me personally - leaving aside (both) investigative and leisurely thought - of al-Imaam al-Khomeini and we mention a lot that we have learned from al-Imaam al-Khomeini as we have learned from Imaam Hasan al-Bannaa and Imaam al-Mawdudi and Imaam Sayyid Qutb (Helbawy asks for Allaah's mercy upon them all), and we have never ceased learning from our brothers who are still alive (Helbawy asks for Allaah's protection of them)

There are many significant lessons from the above which should not be missed which shall be outlined below, and this is just one example of hundreds from these people that reveal their reality. So a Muslim should not be naive, ignorant and foolish in the face of these realities and what their implications are. The following should help to elaborate:


1. First, just pay attention to the entire context. We have a member of six-decades of al-Ikhwaan who has beeen extremely active in pushing the Ikhwani ideology and agenda in the Muslim lands, visiting the state of the Baatini Raafidees, and sitting with Ayatollah Khamenei. In the course of his speech praising the state and Ayatollah Khomeini, he makes mention, in one breath of what are essentially four common teachers between the Raafidah and the Khaarijiyyah (Ikhwaan), and they are: al-Khomeini, Hasan al-Banna, Abu A'laa Mawdudi and Sayyid Qutb. The latter two had the poison of the Raafidah in their works, and Hassan al-Banna was actively pursuing nearness with the Raafidah, a fundamental party policy that has remained till this day.

2. So within this momentous occasion (for the attendees) we see these four names mentioned together and it was befitting and worthy for them to be mentioned together, because it reveals and shows the realities in that these are the ideologues, the key figureheads whose books writings and ideas are aimed at tearing down the authorities of Tawhid and Sunnah, collaborating with each other, with an ideological and methodological and tactical collaboration. In the name of what? In the name of those well-known slogans of Abdullah bin Saba', al-Thaqafee, Marx and Lenin... as Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee said in his book (المحجة البيضاءفي حماية السنة الغراء من زلات أهل الاخطاء و زيغ أهل الأهوا), pages 9-10:

ولقد شاهدنا من الواقع ومن التاريخ العبر، ولا معتبر، ولا متعظ إلا من رحم ربك . ومنها : أن كل صاحب فتنة، وكل داعٍ إلى ضلالة، يرفع بقوة شعار العدل، والعدالة، الانصاف فالثورة على الخليفة الراشد، بل على الإسلام، كانت باسم العدالة. وثورة المختار بن أبي عبيد الزنديق، كانت باسم العدالة والإنصاف. وثورة أبي مسلم الخـراسـاني كانت تحت شعار العدالة وإزالة الظلم. والحركات الماسونية، كانت تحمل شعار العدالة، والمساواة، والحرية. والثورات الشيوعية كانت تحمل هذه الشعارات . وكلها خِدَع، وشعارات كاذبة، يفضح الله أصحابها، ويكشف أستارهم، ويخزيهم في الدنيا قبل الآخره

And we have observed lessons from reality and from history, and there is no one reflecting and no one taking admonition except those upon whom Allaah has shown mercy and from them [these lessons] are: That every person of fitnah (tribulation, trouble), and every caller to misguidance, raises with all strength, the slogan of fairness and justice and equity. The revolution (led by Abdullah bin Saba') against the righteous caliph [Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu)], rather against Islaam, was in the name of justice. The revolution of al-Mukhtar bin Abee Ubayd, the heretic, was in the name of justice and equity. The revolution of Abu Muslim al-Khurasaanee was under the slogan of justice and stopping oppression (injustice). And the Freemasonic movements, they carried the slogan of "justice", "equality" and "freedom". And the Communist revolution was also under these slogans. And all of them are deception, and deceitful (lying) slogans, may Allaah expose those calling with them, and uncover their veils, and humiliate them in this life before the hereafter.

The fikr of Khomeini, Qutb, Mawdudi and Hassan al-Banna collectively embodies what has been mentioned here in the quote above.

3. Whilst Helbawy lavishly praises the Iranian Raafidah leaders, look at how he treats the Arab rulers. In a broadcast television interview given by Kamal Helbawy in 2011, he says that if a lady like Margaret Thatcher was to come and rule over Egypt this would be better than all the Arab rulers (mp3). And this indicates that these people consider the likes of Khomeini, his revolution and the Iranian Raafidee state to be an embodiment of the true Islam - and Mawdudi himsef explicitly stated this in that the revolution of Khomeini was a true "Islamic revolution" and his government and true Islamic one.

4. When you put all of the above together, then you will also come to understand the realities of Ikhwaani organizations and figureheads within the Gulf countries and how they enter into the umbrella of activity of the Ikhwan as a whole. People like Salman al-Awdah, Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Khaliq and others, they are individuals who brought the thought of Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb to a Salafi audience within the Gulf countries. Their aims are to take power and authority and to remove the present rulers whom they believe to be disbelievers (upon the doctrines of Sayyid Qutb and his likes). Some of them possess taqiyah like the taqiyah of the Raafidah - in that they use dissimulation, plotting and hypocrisy (in behaviour and dealing) - and show a face to the masses other than the true and real face. Salman al-Banna al-Awdah is building bridges with Sufis and Rafidis in Saudi Arabia, and Abdur-Rahman Abd al-Khaliq tried to legitimize the Ikhwan, Tabligh and Tahrir as being within Ahl al-Sunnah, claiming their presence is good for the da'wah.

5. Finally, the Raafidah and the Ikhwaan (representing Rafd and Khaarijiyyah respectively) are enemies to the people of Tawhid, Sunnah and Jamaa'ah. They both collaborate and cooperate with each other, pursuing the doctrine of taqreeb (closeness, nearness) to pursue their agendas. When you research into early Islamic history and learn that the activities of the Sab'iyyah against Uthmaan bin Affaan (radiallahu anhu) - (in which they raised those slogans of "freedom", "justice", "equality") - these activities were directly responsible for the emergence of the first two sects in Islaam, the Shi'ah and the Khawaarij, you will then start to understand the various slogans of these people of "Haakimiyyah", "Imaamah", "Social Justice" and what they really intend by them, and it will then also start making sense to you how the names of al-Khomeini, Qutb, Mawdudi and Hassan al-Banna are mentioned together. The Ikhwan do not intend the freedom, justice and equality afforded by the Tawhid of the Messengers, but they mean something else. We see them oblivious to the worship of idols by millions in their land of Egypt and at the same time they make allegiances and alliances with the Pagan Magian Rafidis of Iran. Both the Raafidah and Ikhwaaniyyah have designs on the Gulf countries which by and large represent Tawhid and Sunnah. There is no doubt that the presence of the Raafidah and Khaarijiyyah in these Gulf countries is used and will be used to cause dissension and to weaken (or destroy) the light of Tawhid and Sunnah - may Allaah protect the lands, rulers, scholars and subjects of these lands from such evil.

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