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Allaamah Ahmad Shakir: The Da'wah of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement Is Destructive and Criminal and Is Financed by Jews and Communists
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in General
Topics: Communists Ahmad Shakir

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The Muslim Brotherhood Movement Is Destructive and Criminal and Is Financed by Communists

Shaykh Ahmad Shakir (rahimahullaah) said in a book that was only relatively recently published, titled "Taqrir an Shu'oon al-Ta'leem wal-Qadaa" (p.48):

حركة الشيخ حسن البنا وإخوانه المسلمين الذين قلبوا الدعوة الإسلامية إلى دعوة إجرامية هدامة، ينفق عليها الشيوعيون واليهود كما نعلم ذلك علم اليقين

The movement of Shaykh Hasan al-Banna and his Muslim brothers (i.e. Muslim Brotherhood), those who have overturned the Islamic da'wah into a criminal destructive da'wah, is financed by the Communists and Jews as we know that with certain knowledge.

What has been published as this book was originally sent to Malik Abdul-Azeez (rahimahullah) by Ahmad Shakir informing him of the state of the educational and juristic affairs of Egypt, and within this research, he made this remark. This is quite a complex statement to unravel as the situation in Egypt from the 1920s to the late 1950s was also rather complex in turn. Here we just want to put this remark on the record and we will come back to it at relevant places in other articles as it may serve as an important piece of the puzzle.

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