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Ikhwani Qutbi Salman Al-Awdah and Rafidi Baatinee Hasan Al-Saffar: Genuine Smiles, Positive Hopes
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Topics: Salman Al-Awdah Hasan Al-Saffar

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Ikhwani Qutbi Salman al-Awdah and Rafidi Shi'iyy Hasan Al-Saffar: Positive Hopes

Below is a screenshot from the website of Hasan al-Saffar, a Baatinee Raafidee who is heading the Iranian proxy within Saudi Arabia (as a means of stirring up dissension in the land of Tawhid and Sunnah in order to hasten the end-time mahdi eschatology of the Raafidah). They believe that before the awaited Mahdi appears there will be lots of revolutions across the world, and hence, they actively try to ferment revolutions in the lands of Ahl al-Sunnah (refer to Shia.BS and this article in particular regarding Hizbollah in Saudi Arabia) for a more detailed expose on Hizbollah, the proxy for Iran in the Gulf countries such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Yemen and Saudi Arabia (as well as Lebanon).

Click to enlargen the picture:

The author of the article writes how he came across a picture of "two lofty (noble) shaykhs, Hasan al-Saffaar and Salman al-Awdah" and then he says

...their smiles were genuine (truthful) and beautiful, and these smiles made me have a brilliant dream (thought). If only the lovers of al-Saffaar and al-Awdah would exchange the same truthful and beautiful smiles, full of love, would not the future become beautiful? ...

In addition to the above, Shaykh Abd al-Aziz al-Bura'ee of Yemen spoke of Salman al-Awdah's visit to Yemen and the region of al-Ahsaa in an article he published on 29th March 2009 wherein he stated:

هذا ولدي جريدة وهي ملحق الرسالة لجريدة المدينة والتي تصدر في المملكة صدرت في /1 / رمضان 1425/ وفيها صورة سلمان العودة وهو آخذ بيد حسن الصفار رأس الباطنية في الاحساء وهما يمشيان والابتسامة تعلوهما وذلك ضمن لقاء لعوض القرني مع حسن الصفار أيضا وظهرت صورة عوض وهو يضحك حتى بدت نواجذه أو كادت وقد اقتطف من كلامه بالخط العريض قوله: لا ينبغي أن نضع الشيعة في سلة واحدة وعلى عقلاء السنة والشيعة أن يتقاربوا .اهـ ومعلوم أن شيعة الاحساء الذين منهم حسن الصفار باطنية وحكمهم معروف

And with me is a newspaper which is a supplement of a report for al-Madinah newspaper which is issued in the kingdom and it was issued on 1st Ramadan 1425H and within it is a picture of Salman al-Awdah and he is taking hold of the hand of Hasan al-Saffaar, the head of the Baatiniyyah in al-Ahsaa, and they are both walking (together) with cheerfulness overwhelming them both, and this was during the meeting of Awad al-Qarnee with Hasan al-Saffar also and the picture emerged of Awad (also) and he is laughing until his molars can be seen, or almost seen, and there is quoted from his speech in bold letters, his saying, "It is not befitting that we put (all) the Shia into a single basket, and it is upon the intelligent from the Sunnah and the Shia to come closer together." And it is known that the Shia of al-Ahsaa, from whom is Hasan al-Saffaar are Baatiniyyah and their ruling is well known.

Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon (The Muslim Brotherhood) is an organization that was founded upon the policy of taqreeb (nearness) between the Shi'ah and the Sunnah (and others) with the goal of mobilizing the masses against the authorities in the name of "social justice" and "equality" under the guise of establishing Islam, as they claim. This policy (of taqreeb) has remained from the time of Hasan al-Banna till this day. The Gulf countries (broadly speaking) differ from the remaining surrounding countries in that the presence of Tawhid and Sunnah is noticeably discernable in those countries compared to the states of the Ba'thists, Raafidah (Iraq and Iran), Nusayriyyah (Syria), Sufiyyah, Ash'ariyyah (Egypt) and others. The Ikhwan (an umbrella organization for all the enemies of Tawhid and Sunnah) have designs for the Gulf Countries, and together with the Raafidah, they constitute a two-pronged attack upon the lands, scholars and rulers of Tawhid and Sunnah. Just as the Raafidah (supported by Iran) have proxies in these lands (see here, here, here, and here), the Ikhwaan have also been building an apparatus within these countries for decades to help them realize their goals. In their own lands, they have idols worshipped besides Allaah (tombs of Sufi saints) but calling their populations to the Tawhid of the Messengers is of no concern to them. There are stooges of al-Ikhwaan in the Gulf countries who wear the gown of Sunnah whilst their hearts conceal a disease. This disease often manifests itself through their tongues and their actions, by way of the shubuhaat they propagate (like this one for example) and through their alliances, friendships and allegiances - as it has been said by Imaam al-Awzaa'ee, (من ستر عنا بدعته لم تخف علينا ألفته) "Whoever concealed his innovation from us, his friendship will not be hidden from us." From the greatest of these stooges is Salman al-Awdah, the carrier of the flag of Hasan al-Banna in Saudi Arabia.

In the 1990s, Salman al-Awdah, along with Safar al-Hawali and numerous other treacherous deviants, were pushing the ideology of Sayyid Qutb, and were instilling resentment and aversion with respect to the Scholars of Tawhid and Sunnah whilst spreading the doctrine of takfir of the rulers, nurturing the youth upon the books of this Rafidi (Sayyid Qutb). If you just take a moment to reflect one this note we made in another article:

Finally, the Raafidah and the Ikhwaan (representing Rafd and Khaarijiyyah respectively) are enemies to the people of Tawhid, Sunnah and Jamaa'ah. They both collaborate and cooperate with each other, pursuing the doctrine of taqreeb (closeness, nearness) to pursue their agendas. When you research into early Islamic history and learn that the activities of the Sab'iyyah against Uthmaan bin Affaan (radiallahu anhu) - (in which they raised those slogans of "freedom", "justice", "equality") - these activities were directly responsible for the emergence of the first two sects in Islaam, the Shi'ah and the Khawaarij, you will then start to understand the various slogans of these people of "Haakimiyyah", "Imaamah", "Social Justice" and what they really intend by them, and it will then also start making sense to you how the names of al-Khomeini, Qutb, Mawdudi and Hassan al-Banna are mentioned together. The Ikhwan do not intend the freedom, justice and equality afforded by the Tawhid of the Messengers, but they mean something else. We see them oblivious to the worship of idols by millions in their land of Egypt and at the same time they make allegiances and alliances with the Pagan Magian Rafidis of Iran. Both the Raafidah and Ikhwaaniyyah have designs on the Gulf countries which by and large represent Tawhid and Sunnah. There is no doubt that the presence of the Raafidah and Khaarijiyyah in these Gulf countries is used and will be used to cause dissension and to weaken (or destroy) the light of Tawhid and Sunnah - may Allaah protect the lands, rulers, scholars and subjects of these lands from such evil.

Things will start making sense to you, and when you look at what activities Salman al-Awdah is involved in, his slogans of "social justice" and "social freedom" and so on, things will become clearer, and when you see him joining hands with Rafidis and Sufis, things will be even clearer.

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