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Hasan Al-Banna: Ahl Us-Sunnah and the Shiah Are the Same, Upon Purity, United by the Kalimah
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in Figureheads
Topics: Hasan Al-Banna Rafidah Shiah Shi'ites

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Hasan al-Banna: Ahl us-Sunnah and the Shiah are the Same, Upon Purity, United by the Kalimah

Hasan al-Banna founded his organization "al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen" upon the principle that anyone who says "Laa ilaaha illallaaha" can join his organization in order to work towards a collective goal - and this includes the Rafidah Shi'ah - for he strove to bring nearness, cordiality and unity between Ahl us-Sunnah and the Shi'ah. The following quote is from Umar al-Tilmisani, one of the supreme leaders of al-Ikhwan:

وفي كتابه الأخير (ذكريات لا مذكرات)ط1- دار الاعتصام 1985 يقول الأستاذ عمر التلمساني ص249 و250:

وفي الأربعينات على ما أذكر كان السيد القمي-وهو شيعي المذهب- ينزل ضيفا على الإخوان في المركز العام ووقتها كان الإمام الشهيد يعمل جاداً على التقريب بين المذاهب ,حتى لا يتخذ أعداء الإسلام الفرقة بين المذاهب منفذا يعملون من خلاله على تمزيق الوحدة الإسلامية ,وسألناه يوماً عن مدى الخلاف بين أهل السنة والشيعة ,فنهانا عن الدخول في مثل هذه المسائل الشائكة التي لا يليق بالمسلمين أن يشغلوا أنفسهم بها والمسلمون على ما نرى من تنابذ يعمل أعداء الإسلام على إشعال ناره ,قلنا لفضيلته : نحن لا نسأل عن هذا للتعصب أو توسعة لهوة الخلاف بين المسلمين ولكننا نسأل للعلم ,لأنَّ ما بين السنة والشيعة مذكور في مؤلفات لا حصر لها وليس لدينا من سعة الوقت ما يمكننا من البحث في تلك المراجع . فقال رضوان الله عليه :

اعلموا أنَّ أهل السنة والشيعة مسلمون تجمعهم كلمة لا إله إلاَّ الله وأنَّ محمداً رسول الله وهذا أصل العقيدة ,والسنة والشيعة فيه سواء وعلى التقاء ,أما الخلاف بينهما فهو في أمور من الممكن التقريب فيها بينهما

And in his latest book, "Dhikriyyaat, Laa Mudhakkaraat" (1st print, Dar al-I'tisaam, 1985), the Ustaadh, Umar at-Tilmisaanee says (pp. 249-250):

And in the forties from what I recall, Sayyid al-Qummee - and he is Shi'ite in his madhhab - came as a guest of the Ikhwaan at the main headquarters, and at this time, the Imaam, Shaheed (i.e. al-Banna) was [undertaking] serious action in bringing proximity between the madhaahib, so that the enemies of Islaam do not take the splitting between the madhaahib as a means through which they can work to tear apart the Islamic unity. We asked him one day about the extent of the difference between Ahl us-Sunnah and the Shiah, but he prohibited us from entering into the likes of these thorny issues which are not befitting for the Muslims to become occupied with, with the Muslims already upon what we see of separation, the enemies of Islaam work to kindle its fire, so we said to his eminence: We do not ask this due to partisanship or to widen the difference between the Muslims, but we ask due to knowledge because what is between the Sunnah and the Shiah (of difference) is mentioned in the authored books that are innumerable, and we do not have the time that will allow us to investigate all those sources. So he, may Allaah be pleased with him, said:

Know that Ahl us-Sunnah and the Shiah are Muslims, the kalima "There is none worthy of worship except Allaah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah" unites them. And this is the foundation of the aqidah. And the Sunnah and the Shiah are the same (regarding that), and (they) are upon purity. As for the difference between them both, then it is in matters in which it is possible to bring them together.

The Ikhwan of Hassan al-Banna was not set up to rectify the affairs of Tawhid and the Sunnah, but merely to amass large numbers which can be used to further group political interests. As a result, the foundation of walaa and baraa (loyalty and disloyalty) on the basis of Tawhid and the Sunnah was demolished and laid to waste. As a result, all sorts of doors and avenues were opened for nearness and closeness to those whose straying and deviation from what the Messenger (sallallaaahu alayhi wasallam) was alraedy plain and obvious.

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