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Al-Fawzan, Al-Luhaydan, Aal Al-Shaykh: The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) Are From the 72 Sects, Use Secrecy and Aim Only to Seek Power
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in General

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A newspaper editorial is doing the rounds currently in all the major Arabic newspapers. "Jamaa'aat (politically motivated and/or religious organized groups) do not have a basis in the (action) of the Salaf" is a introductory headline and then we read, "Scholars: Jaamaa'at al-Ikhwaan Does Not Love the Sunnah and Desires to Misguide Us and Split Us" is the major headline.

In another editorial in al-Ahram newspaper the article to the right is summarized with what follows below:

A number of Saudi scholars have emphasized that the group of the Muslim Brotherhood "do not love Ahl al-Sunnah", calling for non-acceptance of this group because it "desires to split us and their goals is (attaining) power." And the Scholars also emphasized in explicit remarks made to the Saudi newspaper "al-Madeenah" published on its internet website on Thursday that "the group of al-Ikhwan does not have any foundational basis from the Salaf of this nation and they expend effors and aid each other so as to reach, through one path or another, to (political) leadership." And the Scholars indicated that "from the manifestations of this group and its principles is that they block (prevent) the intellects of their followers from listening to speech that opposes their methodology." And the newspaper quoted from the Shaykh, Doctor Saalih bin Fawzan al-Fawzan, member of the Committee of the Major Scholars when he was asked, "Do these groups enter into the seventy-two destroyed sects?" His response, "Yes, everyone, from those who ascribe to Islam, who opposes Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah in da'wah or aqidah or in anything from the foundations of eemaan, then he enters into the seventy-two sects." And from his side, the Shaykh, Doctor, Salih bin Muhammad al-Luhaydaan, member of the Committe of the Major Scholars, said, "The Ikhwaan and Jamaa'at at-Tableegh are not from the people of sound methodologies, and all of these groups and labels (they assume) do not have any basis from the Salaf of this Ummah." And from what was said by the Shaykh, Doctor, Saalih bin Abd al-Azeez Aal al-Shaykh, Minister of Islamic Affairs and Da'wah and Guidance Endowments, "As for the group of the Muslim Brotherhood, then the from the greatest manifestations of da'wah with them is concealment, secrecy, changing colours (i.e. changing, views, opinions, allegiances and so on), seeking closeness to whomever they believe will benefit them, and not revealing the true reality of their affair."

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