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Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon: Masters of Dissimulation and Hypocrisy in Fulfilling Their Political Objectives
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in General
Topics: Ali Ashmawi

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In the introduction to the book, "The Secret History of the Muslim Brotherhood" (2nd edition, p. 6), Ashmawi writes:

ورأيت أيضاً أن الكثير من قيادات الأخوان الهاربة والتى تعيش فى بلاد أخرى وجدت طريقها للتعامل مع المارد الأمريكى الذى حذرونا منه بل واستفادوا كثيراً من المزايا التى يكفلها المجتمع الأمريكى لمن يعيشون فى كنفه، ووجدت أنهم يتعاملون بشخصيتين واحدة التشدد وبث الجمود فى عقول الأفراد وأخرى هينة لينة فى التعامل مع السلطات الأمريكية، قد تصل إلى حد المداهنة للسلطات الأمريكية بغية إعطائهم صورة حسنة عن الإخوان كي يفوزوا بتأييد أمريكاني ضد حكام دولهم، وكنت أعلم أن هذا نوع من الرياء مما زادنى ثورة عليهم لعلمى بحقيقة أمرهم وأنهم أساتذة فى هذا النوع من النفاق، ولعل الموضوعات القادمة تتناول بعض الجوانب من سلوكياتهم ... أرجو الله أن تفى بالغرض


And I saw that many of the leaders of al-Ikhwaan who fled from (their lands) and who live in other lands found their way of dealing with the "Demonic America" they had (previously) warned us against. On the contrary, they benefited from many of the distinguishing (benefits) that it guarantees to the American society, for those who live within its confines. And I found that they operate with two personalities (two faces), one which (comprises) severity, and instilling indifference (stiffness) in the minds of individuals and another which is gentle, soft in dealing with the American powers (of leadership) which often reaches the level of compromise with American powers, seeking to give them a positive image of the Ikhwaan so that they can succeed in receiving American support against the rulers of their lands. And I used to know that this is a type of dissimulation (and is) from what led me to rebel against them due to my knowledge of the reality of their affair and that they are (well-grounded) teachers of this type of hypocrisy. And perhaps the following topics to be covered will address some aspects of their behaviour... I hope from Allaah that it fulfils the objective.


Pretty much after its inception, the organization of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon has been a tool of destabilization and a proxy used to help reach geo-political goals which are not really in the interests of the Muslims and their countries. Despite claiming to oppose the "Demonic West," they will make allegiances and alliances upon the principle of whatever will lead us to power, then it is obligatory to follow that course. At an individual level, a person's lust for power can be easily manipulated through the lure of apparent support in attaining that power, and just as this applies at the individual personal level, it also works with organizations and parties at higher structural levels. And this is the reality of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen for they have goals and agendas in the various countries including the Gulf countries, and they operate with deception, dissimulation and hypocrisy, and this in turn makes them a useful tool to bring about upheavals and changes that are not really in the interests of the Muslims, neither in their religious affairs nor their worldly ones.

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