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Extremist Qutbi Safar Al-Hawali Outed as a Lying Deceptive Coward by Musa Abd Al-Azeez in Interview
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in General
Topics: Safar Al-Hawali Takfir Haakimiyyah

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Safar al-Hawali Confronted and Outed as a Liar By Musa Abd al-Aziz in Discussion Following Terrorist Atrocity Committed by takfiri Kharijites in Saudi Arabia

This is a discussion that took place on one of the satellite channels a day after a terrorist attack took place in Saudi Arabia, killing innocent people and causing destruction. The first voice is that of the interviewer, who introduces Safar al-Hawali and Musa Abd al-Aziz.

Musa Abd al-Aziz speaks first (0:40) and he explains that the doctrines of takfir and hakimiyyah, this ideology is what is behind these activities, and it was the fikr of Sayyid Qutb that was brought into the Saudi Kingdom that led to this, and this was imported by the ad-du'at al-mutahazzibeen (partisan callers). Safar al-Hawali is listening to all of this and he knows in his soul that he is the one responsible for this, he (along with other Qutbiyyah) was responsible for this fikr - and he was actually a student of Mohammad Qutb (the brother of Sayyid Qutb). So al-Hawali knows he is guilty, a hundred percent, and he knows he is in a sticky situation.

Then the intervewing journalist asks al-Hawali to speak (2:00) and says to him that the Saudi Kingdom is being targeted and what can the Kingdom do to deal with this issue.

Al-Hawali then speaks, and you are knocked senseless by the stench of hypocrisy as he proceeds with his answer which lasts almost four minutes and he is led by the interviewer to condemn these acts and label those responsible as terrorists.

Then the interviewer asks Musa Abd al-Aziz (5:45) to provide a solution. So before answering the question, he addresses Safar al-Hawali, confronts him, outs him as a liar and tells him in no uncertain terms that you are the one responsible for this fikr coming into the Kingdom - it did not exist before - and you are the one who brought this Qutbi, takfir ideology into the Kingdom. His answer starts at (6:00) and lasts for a full three minutes. He tells al-Hawali you brought this ideology, you turned the youth away from the Major scholars, you are the ones who spread sayings of Sayyid Qutb. Shouldn't you take account of yourself from the generalized takfir that was spread, because you are the one who spread it in the kingdom. Then he says to al-Hawali, "this talbees (deception) is not permissible", meaning, this deception you are carrying out right here, pretending to be innocent. He says, that rather, we should speak the truth. Then he demands al-Hawali to answer a few points related to the above.

Then the interview interjects and asks Safar al-Hawali to respond to the points raised with respect to him and that this whole issue revolves around the takfiri callers and this ideology. And here we see al-Hawali turn into a kitten and expose himself for the cowardly liar that he is (9:30), he essentially says to the interviewer that these types of accusations are not befitting and the discussion should be around providing a solution and that the accusations made should be written down and presented in a law-court that will then judge between him and the other person (Musa Abd al-Azeez). This is while he knows in his soul, just as everyone reading this who is familiar with the history of these Qutbiyyah, even the fanatics amongst them who are still with al-Hawali, they all know in their souls that al-Hawali is lying and he is a coward and that he is a hundred percent guilty of what he was accused of, yet he was unable to answer, when exposed for his hypocrisy and attempted deception!

Endnote: Safar al-Hawali is from a group of callers who were pushing the ideology of Sayyid Qutb (a Rafidee, takfiri, Khariji, Jahmee in his aqidah) (see SayyidQutb.Com) and they were mobilizing the youth against the scholars and rulers. They taught softness, lenience towards these deviants from Egypt who are the main figureheads of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen whilst nurturing hate, separation, distrust and aversion from the scholars of Tawhid and Sunnah, all of which indicates their treachery. By Allaah's praise they were unsuccessful in their attempts in the 90s to precipitate a revolution. To date, they have not declared their tawbah (repentance) from their crimes and atrocities and continue with their deception and hypocrisy, hoping that the light is not shined on them in incidents like this one.

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