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Awad Al-Qarnee Meeting With the Baatinee Rafidi Hasan Al-Saffar
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in General
Topics: Awad Al-Qarni Hasan Al-Saffar

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To the right are pictures of a meeting where Awad al-Qarnee met with Hasan al-Saffar in Qateef which is a Shi'ite stronghold in Saudi Arabia. Hasan al-Saffar is supported by the Rafidi state of Iran and their long term goal is to develop a strong Rafidi community in the heart of Saudi Arabia through which the long term agenda of Iran can be fulfilled. The long term agenda of Iran is to engineer revolutions in the various Arab lands so as to pave the way for the appearance of the awaited Mahdi. Awad al-Qarnee responded to the invitation of the Baatinee Raafidee and in the meeting Saffar gave a lecture followed by al-Qarnee.

To understand the significance of these actions by the likes of Awad al-Qarneee, Aa'id al-Qarnee, and Salman al-Awdah (see here) and where they fit into the overall scheme of things, we are going to leave you with an article (from Shia.BS) titled, "Uncovering the Hidden Realities of Hizbollah: Iranian Rafidi Shia Proxies in Other Lands - Saudi Arabia" which gives some excellent historical background. With this information, you will understand the consequences of these activities by these individuals traversing upon the manhaj of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen. Here is (the article):

Hizbollah in Saudi Arabia

With the commencement of Khomeini's Rafidi revolution in Iran and taking of power in 1979, the Iranian government began to make insinuations and hints towards its followers in Saudi to initiate activities and revolts against the Saudi government. This encouragement led to what became known as the Shia revolution of al-Qateef in 1400H (1980), and slogans such as "Our foundation is Husaynee and our leader is Khomeini" and "Down with the Saudi government" and "Down with Fahd and Khalid" and similar slogans.

This movement of Shia was given reassurance, during the height of the Iranian revolution, that they would be given support, and that an organization would be set up for them whose protagonist and leader would be the Shia Shaykh Hasan al-Saffaar. This organization, when it came to be, was called (المنظمة الثورة الإسلامية لتحرير الجزيرة العربية) "Islamic Revolutionary Party For Liberation of the Arabic Peninsula." The objectives of this organization can be summarized as follows, a) protecting the revolution in Iran and laying down foundations to initiate and spread it to other parts of the world (in this case Saudi) and b) liberation of the Arabian peninsula from a Sunni Islamic governance to a Shia governance loyal to Iran, based upon their view that the Saudi and other Gulf governments were taaghooti kaafir governments. This Shia organization considers itself a part of the Khomeini revolution and there are statements from Hasan al-Saffaar to this effect. This organization also has made numerous conditions (upon its external supporters from Iran), and from them: That there should be external support in terms of providing leadership and organizational support, both logistically and spiritually; that weapons be provided (since the revolution cannot be complete without them); the setting up of numerous other fronts and organizations that will spread the reach of the organization. This Saudi branch was initially co-ordinated from Iran, then from Damascus and finally from London, and in the 1980s it used to issue its publication called (الثورة الإسلامية) "The Islamic revolution."

However, when they realized that the name of this organization and the name of the magazine they were issuing and distributing was sensitive and would be counterproductive to their goals, and would not win them support, they changed the name in the beginning of 1991 to (الحركة الإصلاحية في الجزيرة العربية), "The Movement for Reform in the Arabian Peninsula." They also stopped distributing the magazine, "The Islamic Revolution" and replaced it with "Majallah al-Jazirah al-Arabiyyah" (The Arabian Peninsula Magazine). They also set up a publising house called Dar al-Safaa as a means to incite the Saudi society, and also as a means of leaking information to Western and Jewish organizations to be used as a means of attacking and demonizing Saudi, and there were connections between this group and certain Western politicians. This new magazine issued around 30 editions between January 1991 to mid-1993, and it was supported by many foreign elements all of whom had enmity for Saudi and wished tribulations to spread therein.

Seeing that from the avenues of reaching their goals was to set up many fronts (organizations), the Islamic Revolutionary Party For Liberation of the Arabic Peninsula set up a committee for human rights but they wanted it to be far away and at the same time have strong connections with America because there were to be found many American and Jewish organizations there who could assist in disseminating propaganda based upon the lies and information leaked by the Raafida (in the name of human rights and "social justice"). So they set up "National Council for Human Rights in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula" and this council issued a magazine called "Arabia Monitor" in English and which began to spread fabrications, lies and exaggerations, all part of its revolutionary ideology. This magazine was overseen by Ja'far al-Shaab in Washington, Bu Khamseen and Saadiq al-Jabraan in London, all through the administration of the council itself. Tawfeeq al-Sayf was one of active participants in this council and he was the general directory of the Shia reform movement. The major figures in this council are as follows: Hasan al-Saffaar, founder, director of the council; Tawfeeq al-Sayf; Hamzah al-Hasan, head of the magazine; Mirza al-Khuwailidee, responsible for the publishing wing, Dar al-Safaa. There were numerous others such as Aadil Salman, Habeeb Ibraaheem, Fu'aad Ibraaheem, Muhammad al-Husayn, Zakee al-Meelaad, Eesaa al-Maz'al, Ja'far al-Shaayib, Saadiq al-Jabraan and Fawzee al-Sayf.

However, around 1993-1994 following tensions, an agreement was reached between this movement and the Saudi government that all of their offices outside of Saudi should be closed and likewise all magazines and newsletters issued by them, and likewise to cease all external political activity and to cut off ties with foreign Jewish organizations. However, after the unveiling of the attempts to extend the Iranian revolution to Saudi - and because these people all operate upon tuqyah (deception) in both religion and politics - many of these individuals returned to Saudi to continue their operations from within, whilst the rest remained outside to continue with what they had started. Their activities continued until their leader Hasan al-Saffaar made veiled threats in October 2006 stating that if Shia demands are not meant that there might be bombings (out of discontent) similar to what the Shia did in 1400H (1980) and likewise in 1407H (1987) in Makkah and other places.

The Military Wing: Hizbollah al-Hijaaz

After the mid-1980s, around 1987, a military wing was set up for the Islamic Revolutionary Party For Liberation of the Arabic Peninsula, and it was agreed that it would be called Hizbollah al-Hijaaz. This group took charge of performing terrorist activities in Saudi and collaborating with Iranian revolutionary agents to co-ordinate terrorism and strife during the season of Hajj. The formation of this group was through Iranian intelligence officer Ahmad Shareefee and a number of Saudi Shia who were studying in Qum (Iran) were recruited. Due to personal differences there were some tensions between these two groups (Hizbollah and the original parent party) and Ahmad Shareefee was tasked with keeping the Hizbollah separate from Revolutionary Party, whilst giving military support to Hizbollah.

In 1407H (1987) Hizbollah al-Hijaz worked with Iranian agents to stir up a big demonstration through which they intended to kill pilgrims and to destroy buildings and to stir up turmoil in al-Masjid al-Haram and other sanctified places. In 1996CE (1417H) individuals from Hizbollah al-Hijaz were behind the bombings in al-Khobar. They planted the bombs and then fled in getaway cars. Those directly responsible and those supporting this operation were the following: Haani al-Saayigh, Mustafaa al-Qassaab, Ja'far al-Shuwaykhaat, Ibraaheem al-Ya'qub, Ali al-Hawree, Abd al-Kareem al-Naasir, Ahmad al-Maghsal. The persons responsible for the military wing and organizing leaders of the bombing in al-Khobar were Husain Aal Mughees, Abd Allaah al-Juraash, and Shaykh Sa'eed al-Bahhaar, and Shaykh Abd al-Jaleel al-Sameen. Hani al-Saayigh was captured in Canada and was brought back to Saudi, and Abd al-Kareem al-Naasir, Ahmad al-Maghsal, Ibraaheem al-Ya'qub and Alee al-Hawree fled to Iran, and Ja'far al-Shuwaykhaat fled from Syria after it was conveniently announced that he had committed suicide in prison (following his apprehension and imprisonment)! It has been suggested that he was killed by Syrian intelligence on order of the Iranians for fear that he might leak important information about the bombings.

As for their most important religious leaders, they are Shaykh Ja'far Alee al-Mubaarak, Abd al-Kareem Kaadhim al-Hubayl and Haashim al-Shakhs, and these three are referred to as "Hujjah al-Islam wal-Muslimeen" indicating the position they have with Saudi Shia. All of these groups of people have connections with the Iranian Rafidis from whom they receive support and training to implement their goals of abolishing the Sunni Islamic government and replacing it with one loyal to Iran. This group continues its activities today under the slogans of human rights, social justice, and spreads propaganda whose aim is to stir up sedition and clashes with the government.

Source: Adapted from Hizbullah al-Raafidee, Tarikh Aswad wa Iftiraa'aat (The Rafidi Hizbollah, a History of Darkness and Fabrications) of Sayyid Husayn al-Affaanee (Dar al-Affaanee, Cairo 1st edition, 1428H).

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