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Shaykh Muhammad Bin Hadee on the Toppling of Muhammad Mursi in Egypt: The Path Through Which You Came to Power Is the Path Through Which You Went From Power
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in General
Topics: Egypt Muhammad Mursi

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NOTE: While the speech below from 2013 is true, Muhammad bin Haadee became misguided (2017 onwards) after he began to attack students of knowledge and belittle scholars, without any evidence. He showed harshness, callousness and vindictiveness, even exceeding the Haddaadiyyah in some aspects. He was refuted by Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee and others (see articles) and was also convicted in a court for slandering a Salafi brother (qadhf) while doing a lecture in a mosque among the mosques of Allaah. This article is here for the historical record.

Shaykh Muhammad Bin Hadee on the Toppling of Muhammad Mursi in Egypt: The Path Through Which You Came Is the Path Through Which You Went!

Listen to the audio here:

The Question:

This person says: There is one who says the attainment of power by the Ikhwaan in Egypt is like the Believers being aided in the battle of Badr and when they fell it was like the battle of Uhud. Amongst them are those who say this is a struggle between Islaam and kufr?

From the answer of the Shaykh (excerpts):

We have heard this just as you have heard it, how much of Islaam have they implemented? By Allaah, I wont hide it from you, I wished that they would complete four years (in power) so that the proof can be cut off completely, so that all the people can see how much of Islaam they implement. This is the first thing. The second thing is that the command of Allaah is in effect and His will dominates, there is none to repel his decree and judgement, the Sublime and Exalted. Thirdly, they have passed over a year, what have they done therein? Fourthly, who is the first deputy (minister)? A Christian. Fifthly, before they took power, they said cutting and lashing are not from the Sharee'ah, this is their leader (Mursi) who went to a debate before he became a leader, before the elections, when he was nominated, he said cutting and lashing is not from the Sharee'ah, it is ijtihaadiyyah, they are matters of (individual) jurisprudence, and this is present, recorded with his voice, this Internet preserves everything, return to it and you will find it with his voice and picture... so where is this (alleged) support (for Ikhwan) which resembles the day of Badr? In any case, they are callers to democracy from the very first day. And I myself - leave us aside - I heard him say that the rule belongs to the society and its source is the society, it is not Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, "Verily, the command belongs to Allaah, He has ordered that you worship none but Him", they have caused us to perish by its frequent repetition, by (their) takfeer of the Muslims in general because they (the Muslims) do not implement (the rule of Allaah) as they (the Ikhwan) claim. So now, when (the current situation) has come, (this slogan) has not returned, "the rule belongs to the society", he came himself today, having said (prior) if a thousand, I don't know, ten thousand, if they sign that they do not want me, then fine, I will stand down (from power). And now there are millions who have come, they don't want you, so now the moment of truth has come. Sixth, the path through which you came (to power) is the path through which you went (from power). The path through which you came was Tahrir Square, correct or not? And al-Qaradawi came and whoever was with him, they gave sermon therein and prayed Jumu'ah with the people, and afterwards you took power. Now, it is the very same way through which you stepped down from power. The route through which you entered (into power) you returned leaving (from power), Tahrir Square, it is one and the same, both coming and going... Ninth, they (the Ikhwan) said that these governments are the tail-ends (stooges) of America and they are with the Jews and with Israel. As soon as they took power they renewed the treaties with Israel, and America is the one that pressurized them, it said "except the ratified clauses, treaties and agreements with the previous government" (i.e. that they have to be maintained), and Mursi did not come (to power) except after America ascertained that they will not change the rule as it relates to Israel pertaining to the treaties and you may have seen this and heard this. Fine, (now), how on that day was that one (Mubarak) a kaafir and now, the second one who renews is not a kaafir? We do not make Takfir of any of them, however upon their speech (that of the Ikhwan), how were Husni (Mubarak), Sadat and other than them, disbelievers because they ratified the agreements. Fine, (now) the one who renews the agreements, emphasizes them and makes them firm? ...

Related reading:

  • Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon: Masters of Dissimulation and Hypocrisy in Fulfilling Their Political Objectives - (see here)

Summary of Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee's Advice Regarding the Arab Spring Revolutions From Two Years Ago

That the activities of those people involved in the demonstrations and revolution are not pleasing since they are not following the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (alayhis salaam) and the guidance of his Companions (radiallaahu anhum). Rather, they follow the Western nations like Europe and the US (i.e. in demanding freedom, liberty, expression and so on). The proof is that the spokespersons and leaders of these activities are socialists or left-wing (socialists). These are all people who are seeking freedom (in society) like the freedom and liberalism the West has attained, and this freedom is the freedom of expression [whether it is fisq, or bida' or even kufr]. The servant's rectification and treatment of this matter is to return to Allaah with a true and correct repentance to Allaah, and holding steadfast to the legislation of Allaah [in their duties and obligations towards Him], and then they should anticipate goodness. But these are just ways blindly-followed from the West and they only lead to evil and destruction with hundreds being killed needlessly. Further, is it permissible for a person to kill himself because he could not find employment? It is not permissible. The Prophet (alayhis salaam) would only have dates and water (as food), so did they (the Companions) reach this degree (of despair)? So these people should have patience, and should have taqwaa - and then verses are mentioned which outline divine laws which interplay with human actions - from them that seeking forgiveness from Allaah results in provision from the sky (71:10-12). None of the Companions came out in dire situations demonstrating to the rulers that there is no food and no employment and so on. All of this activity is inherited fromm the Ikhwaan from the Western nations, and this is not permissible because we are an Islamic nation, we have our own legislation and deen, and from it is that we return to Allaah and make the call to Allaah and to make rectification [as in true underlying rectification], and it is here that Allaah in turn rectifies. Then more divine laws are cited, that if a people are upon istiqaamah upon their deen they will be given sustanence in abundance (72:16), and that sound eemaan and taqwaa are the route to all blessings from the heavens and the earth (7:96), and that whoever has taqwaa of Allaah the affairs are made easy for him (65:4) and that sustenance will come from places not imagined or expected (65:3). So there is no need here to mention the difference between us and the non-Muslims and what Allaah has revealed to us of clear signs and whatever has come from the Messenger (alayhis salaam). They have their own ways of treating (their situations) but this same treatment, then no, it is not suitable for us (because the legislation has not come with it), and it is non suitable neither in terms of legislation (shar') and nor in terms of divine decree and its ways and means (qadar). Thus it is obligatory to follow what Allaah has commanded (upon the outlook of the Sharee'ah, not the outlook of the non-Muslims). Then we see that two orientations have united in the body of people involved in these activities. The political, secular, socialist and communist orientation. And the revolting Ikhwaani orientation, and they both kindle the flames of the fire. The common-folk who come out in these activities are simply the fuel upon which those (the secularists, socialists, Communists and the Ikhwanis) will have their meal. In other words the common people are just a means to an end to those other people who have their own designs and goals. A Muslim has been ordered to hear and obey the one in authority, even if his back is beaten or his wealth is confiscated, and these people (who came out) did not have their backs beaten nor their wealth confiscated, but they harmed themselves, they burned themselves and transgressed (as a result) upon the beneficial interests of others by destroying homes or burning cars, or burning shops and likes (destroying infrastructure). The Messenger (alayhis salaam) ordered obedience even when rulers look only after their own self-interests at the expense of their subjects. Thus, what is obligatory (upon what the Messenger stated specifically) is that whatever we owe of rights to those in authority, we give to them and whatever rights we are owed, we ask them from Allaah the Exalted.

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